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A great Neptune adventure...

One of life's better adventures
The great Neptune Regatta is really more adventure than regatta as about 20 boats wind their way down through the Riau Archipelago before crossing The Line. The reagatta takes about a week to complete with the start and finish at Nongsa Point Marina. Scroll over the image to get a brief description or click on it to get the full image.
Leave only footprints... Take only photos!
A great adventure


No doubt about it, the Neptune Regatta is a great adventure. Logistically it is difficult for the organiser and as competitors, you will be going to a remote area so be prepared for a fun week of boating and camping.


A few words of advice... Whilst we have mostly benign conditions in area, the tides are strong and can create challenging passages. Basically incoming tides run north and out goingflows head south. It gets more convoluted in the passages between the islands but it is in the "cauldron" where it gets more interesting.



In the area just south of Galang Baru the Java Sea collides with the South China Sea. The period in which this tends to act is brief but in the brief period strange things can occur. Rough seas, whirl pools and even standing waves can appear so it's worth just being a little extra vigilent through this patch.



The winds during Chinese New Year (January or February), are predominately from the NE. With a NE direction, the anchorage on the southside of Pulau Sekeling is safe. The vast island of Sumatra lies to thewest of Neptune Island and the high peaks of Sumatra generate catabatic winds that fan out across the Straits and are known locally as "Sumatras". These generally come in the wee hours of the morning from a SW direction. On 3 occassions, the Neptune Fleet have experienced these. Boats have dragged anchor and hit the fringing reef with one of the recce'  Beneteau's finally sinking. When in doubt, anchor on the north side of the island and put up with the  'hike' to shore.


Galang Base

We are just about 30 miles north of Neptune Island and as we support the offshore logistics business, we do have a support services including power boats and a dive team that can be mobilised during times of need.

On more than one occassion, boats form the fleet have had to be towed back to Nongsa. Now with the Galang Base open things in this regard will be a lot easier.


About US

Galang Anchorage Club is, the boat club that is nearest to The Line -  the equator. Although we are still evolvingwe are into  boats, bikes and boards.


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